Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sacramento Zoo Photography

  Personally, I'm not a big fan of zoos; I don't like the idea of nature caged, animals that were born to be free behind bars like criminals, no matter how well they are being treated. When we went to the Sacramento Zoo to photograph the animals, most looked bored out of their minds, except the parrots because they started being real loud. The zebras even looked depressed, though I'm no expert so I can't really judge. Either way, I have no good ones of the zebras. Since we went on a week day, it wasn't crowded, which I really liked. I made the mistake of not bringing my own camera so I had to use another: Lesson learned, as I struggled with the focus, which my camera would have done well. So some of the pictures did not turn out as good as I would have wanted them to. But there were still some decent ones.

I did not know that giraffes curled their tongues to grasp leaves

Red panda layer down most of the time

For some reason, I thought this monkey looked
like an old wise man

This was outside the reptile section, not part of zoo

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Architecture Photography

I wasn't too excited for this assignment but I made it work... and then I went to shoot trains :D

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

PhotoJournalism - MAMA


    Mom's are really unappreciated. I used to hear teens talk about how much their mothers annoyed them or embarrassed them. Hearing all those things would always make me feel a bit sad; they were not as close to their moms as I was to mine. Of course some had their reasons, as not all moms are as great as mine, which made me feel even sadder for them. I don't think I have the perfect mother or the best in the whole world; she has her flaws as any other human. But she is my mom & I would not give her up for the world. She is the one that has influenced me the most, and is the glue in our family. While there are many traits I love about her, the ones that stand out to me is her adventurous & playfulness, her independence & hard work, her support & caring nature. Above all, she is human.

   My grandmother, Mom's mom, is very adventurous and daring even in her old age. She has often done things and climbed places most of us would have hesitated to even try and her playfulness has given us many fun memories. Those traits has been passed down to my mom.

Mom often plays with my little sister outside
She likes to play at the park with my little siblings

She also plays with her niece

Mom sometimes likes to be silly when I take her picture

It may not look like it, but this stream was deep, cold & a bit fast. Nevertheless,  Mom did not hesitate to cross over the log

    Mom also takes good care of us, especially when she sees us feeling down. She makes sure our family is as happy as she can make us, even if its for a moment.
She hugged me when I felt overwhelmed with emotions in my quince

When Alison got hit in the head with a ball, Mom didn't hesitate go to her

She cares for her little niece, even if she spent the whole ceremony crying

Whenever we feel down or tired, she comfort us with the best hugs

She notices when we aren't ok, even when we try to hide it

    While she is outgoing, playful, and caring, she also makes sure the things that need to be done are done. She is also capable of being independent, which is why I always get pissed off whenever my dad says or does something that ties her down.

She organized my quince practically by herself, including invites, hall rent, booking the church, and food

She also organizes our camping trips

While camping, she makes sure we are well fed even if she is tired

My parents relationship has seen a lot of ups & downs, especially in the last few years. Even so, she works hard to stay by his side

Through any hardship or obstacle, she always looks forward.

    Even with her strengths, she is still at times vulnerable. I have been blessed and cursed to see that side multiple times; a blessing because, like everyone, she does not want anyone to see her like that & the fact that she allowed me to see her like that a couple of times shows her trust in me. But it is also a curse because I don't like seeing her like that, even when she tries to hide them I still see it. And that trust is, at times, a heavy burden on my heart since much of those times I can't do anything to make her worries disappear. The only thing I can do is hug her and remind her how much she is loved.

She rests whenever she can. I often walk in to her room or living room
with her taking a nap

She also enjoys any happy moments with her husband
to the fullest, which I'm happy to say is slowly increasing

One of those rare moments of my dad showing his love
to my mom, even if its just a few wildflowers.
Mom always has a happy look on her face when that happens

Sometimes she just wants some time alone to herself

This is my Mom <3