Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sacramento Zoo Photography

  Personally, I'm not a big fan of zoos; I don't like the idea of nature caged, animals that were born to be free behind bars like criminals, no matter how well they are being treated. When we went to the Sacramento Zoo to photograph the animals, most looked bored out of their minds, except the parrots because they started being real loud. The zebras even looked depressed, though I'm no expert so I can't really judge. Either way, I have no good ones of the zebras. Since we went on a week day, it wasn't crowded, which I really liked. I made the mistake of not bringing my own camera so I had to use another: Lesson learned, as I struggled with the focus, which my camera would have done well. So some of the pictures did not turn out as good as I would have wanted them to. But there were still some decent ones.

I did not know that giraffes curled their tongues to grasp leaves

Red panda layer down most of the time

For some reason, I thought this monkey looked
like an old wise man

This was outside the reptile section, not part of zoo

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