Friday, March 31, 2017

Panning Cars

Today we did panning. It's when we take an action picture that shows movement. We do that by setting the car in TV mode, where we can control the shutter speed, slowing down the shutter speed and following the subject. We took pictures of cars on the street, and I used 1/80 - 1/125 shutter speed with a 200 ISO. I personally had some trouble shooting the cars and making the picture clear, mainly because I did not know until later that in continues shooting you just had to keep pressing the button, not press, press, press. So that was embarrassing. I also think that I didn't have enough time because I really need more practice. There are very few pictures I'm proud of. Most of them are a bit blurry.

 This first one is Derek's. It was a demo picture for me.

 The shot of the orange truck is my personal favorite.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Indoor Portrait

Today we did indoor portraits. This time I was able to get the image I wanted. I was really nervous though but at least I succeeded. Yay!

His name I believe was Deandre. I confess I forgot which is horrible of me, but I'm honestly not good with names at all so I apologize if I got it wrong. But he was cool and very chill. I accidentally shot some "trash" in the background, and the first few were a bit dark. My "assistant" was busy helping others so I had to adjust the lights myself. But overall, I liked it.

 At first I went with Bback and white but with the long board, I decided it was better to use color.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Today we did portraits. I am not good at talking to other people, which ended up being my downfall since I did not get the pictures that I wanted. I had so many ideas, but I couldn't ask people to do them >.<
 The first was of a classmate. She's really nice and outgoing
 The second is of Ms. O. I took that while someone else was taking her photo. Again, not exactly what I wanted but it's still good. I tried to get the leaves in.
This third one I tried to get a reflection. Not exactly what I had in mind but it's still good.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Going Manual: Black and White

 For today, I went manual. I had to first learn about ISO, F-Stops, Shutter Speeds and how they all fit together to make an image. We went with black and white to make it more artistic. 

While taking the pictures, I found that even though I had the meter at 0 with the aperture at the biggest (F-Stop at 4.5), the picture came out a bit too bright (I prefer a darker black and white). So I went to the negative side of the meter. To do so, I had to speed up the shutter speed. I also found that at times, even at the fastest speed, the picture came out too bright for my taste. So I had to make the aperture smaller by making the F-Stop a bit higher, around 5.
I also found that the car images came out a bit... bleh, so I added the plants. Not the best images but I made do with what I had >.<

Friday, March 3, 2017