Today we did panning. It's when we take an action picture that shows movement. We do that by setting the car in TV mode, where we can control the shutter speed, slowing down the shutter speed and following the subject. We took pictures of cars on the street, and I used 1/80 - 1/125 shutter speed with a 200 ISO. I personally had some trouble shooting the cars and making the picture clear, mainly because I did not know until later that in continues shooting you just had to keep pressing the button, not press, press, press. So that was embarrassing. I also think that I didn't have enough time because I really need more practice. There are very few pictures I'm proud of. Most of them are a bit blurry.
This first one is Derek's. It was a demo picture for me.
The shot of the orange truck is my personal favorite.
Sam...excellent reflection and description of the lesson! Panning is hard at first, but I promise that with some practice you'll improve a great deal...but it does look like you're doing super well! the disclaimer on the sample image(LOL!).