Friday, March 17, 2017


Today we did portraits. I am not good at talking to other people, which ended up being my downfall since I did not get the pictures that I wanted. I had so many ideas, but I couldn't ask people to do them >.<
 The first was of a classmate. She's really nice and outgoing
 The second is of Ms. O. I took that while someone else was taking her photo. Again, not exactly what I wanted but it's still good. I tried to get the leaves in.
This third one I tried to get a reflection. Not exactly what I had in mind but it's still good.


  1. your photos are good! don't be shy girl .

  2. Sam, agree with Selena! Good stuff...let loose and you will create magic! Nicely done for someone that doesnt like to chat with "people!" Be ready for indoor this week!
